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Club Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment document

This risk assessment considers the potential for harm to come to children whilst they are in the care of WATO (Waterford Orienteering Club). In accordance with the requirements of Section 11 (1) of the Children First Act 2015 the risk is of abuse and not general health and safety risk (covered under a separate H&S policy and risk assessment). 

Section 11 (1) of the Children First Act 2015 states that where a person proposes to operate as a provider of a relevant service, he or she shall:

Undertake an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of the service (in this section referred to as a “risk”). 

Potential risk of harm to children


Required Policy, Guidance and Procedure document (IOA Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children's Sport)


Supervision issues

4.5 page 44-47

Unauthorised photography & recording activities

4.11 page 51-53

No guidance for travelling and away trips

4.5 page 44-47


Lack of awareness of a Complaints & Disciplinary policy

3.4 page 34-35  5.19 page 71

Complaints not being dealt with seriously

5.12 page 65-67


Lack of knowledge of organisational and statutory reporting procedures

3.4 page 34-35  5.12 page 55-57 appendix 5 (form) page 76

No DLP Appointed

2.11 page 29-31

Concerns of abuse or harm not reported

5.12 page 65-67

Not clear who young person should talk to or report to

On WATO website blog along with copy of 2 documents.


Lack of awareness of ‘risk of harm’ among members and visitors

Communicate Child Safeguarding Statement

No communication of Child Safeguarding Statement or Code of Behaviour to

members or visitors

Communicate Child Safeguarding Statement

Unauthorised photography & recording of activities

4.11 page 51-53

Inappropriate use of social media and communications by under 18’s

4.11 page 51-53

Inappropriate use of social media and communications with under 18’s

4.11 page 51-53


Harm not being recognised

Child Safeguarding Training 

Harm caused by

-          child to child

-          coach to child

-          volunteer to child

-          member to child

-          visitor to child

4.4 page 42-44  5.7 and  5.8 page 60-62

General behavioural issues

Section 4 ‘Practice’

This Risk Assessment document has been discussed and completed by ____Waterford Orienteering (Wato). Ratified at AGM on 2nd June, 2020.


Signed:                                                         Signed:

Name: Andrew Cox                                       Name: Jeni Pim

Role: Secretary                                             Role: Club Children’s Officer

          (insert role on Committee)

Date: 25th August 2020                                Date: 25th August 2020