Please see map and results below
Trail O = maximum score 100 points; Score O = maximum of 250 points
Andrew Pim 100+250 = 350 (42 minutes)
Ed Niland 100+250 = 350 (42 minutes)
John Casey 90+240= 330 (36 minutes)
Niall McEvoy 90+ 240 = 330 (56 minutes)
Ray McEvoy 90+ 230=320 (53 minutes)
Laura Cox (90, planner of Trail O) + 200 = 290 (58 minutes)
Angela Cox 90+ 100=190 (60 minutes)
Con Murphy 80 +120-10 =190 (63 minutes)
Ronan Kelly n/c + 250-150=100 (110 minutes)
Lisa Larkin 50+30=80 (60 minutes)
Nicola Reville 50+30=80 (60 minutes)

Andrew Pim 100+250 = 350 (42 minutes)
Ed Niland 100+250 = 350 (42 minutes)
John Casey 90+240= 330 (36 minutes)
Niall McEvoy 90+ 240 = 330 (56 minutes)
Ray McEvoy 90+ 230=320 (53 minutes)
Laura Cox (90, planner of Trail O) + 200 = 290 (58 minutes)
Angela Cox 90+ 100=190 (60 minutes)
Con Murphy 80 +120-10 =190 (63 minutes)
Ronan Kelly n/c + 250-150=100 (110 minutes)
Lisa Larkin 50+30=80 (60 minutes)
Nicola Reville 50+30=80 (60 minutes)
Trail O only (max 100)
Ian McHardy 100
Liisa Honkasaari 90
Brid Casey 90
Jana Cox 90
Hugh McEvoy 90
Ian McHardy 100
Liisa Honkasaari 90
Brid Casey 90
Jana Cox 90
Hugh McEvoy 90
Eileen McEvoy 90
Ita McEvoy 90
Jacob Pim 90
Jonathan Pim 90
Emma Pim 90
Cathy McEvoy 70
Mick McEvoy 70
Richard Roche and Rachael 40
Pat and Ellen Carroll 30
Johnson extended family (8) 30
Joan and Jack Hanafin 30
Ita McEvoy 90
Jacob Pim 90
Jonathan Pim 90
Emma Pim 90
Cathy McEvoy 70
Mick McEvoy 70
Richard Roche and Rachael 40
Pat and Ellen Carroll 30
Johnson extended family (8) 30
Joan and Jack Hanafin 30
Answers for Trail O event.
1= B; 2=C; 3=B; 4=B; 5=C;6=A;7=B; 8=A (on corrected version) B (on original version); 9= B; 10 = C (or B on appeal!)
1= B; 2=C; 3=B; 4=B; 5=C;6=A;7=B; 8=A (on corrected version) B (on original version); 9= B; 10 = C (or B on appeal!)