Last weekend, Laura and I competed in the Leinster Championships in Rossmore forest, close to Monaghan town. This is an excellent map with plenty of intricate detail.
Running in the M50 category, I started confidently, taking the first 7 controls without any great difficulty. Contouring around a small drumlin to the 8th control I made a 2 minute error of judgement as I misidentified the track I was seeking. Picked up speed again to hit 9 to 13 without too much difficulty. The next leg gave a route choice to the east or west of a lake. I chose the eastern route as the person ahead of me had gone for the western route. Along a fence in an area of small deciduous trees, crossed the fence at the corner, small area of low brambles, out on to the path. Headed north along the path, past the end of the lake and then blip....! I reached the edge of an open area where I had planned to head into the forest...but what's that in the distance? Tents, people running, Irish flag....oh no, I have somehow got back to the finish!?
Retraced my steps to where I had left the forest and met the track...15 minutes later I decided to continue on and try the route I had intended all along...I had been right...the mind plays silly tricks! Annoyed, I ran fast to make up time...16 to 21 and the finish no problem. Then, second place by 9 seconds! Oh, what might have been.
Full results on the IOA website