In drawing up a template for the setting up and use of POC's (Permanent orienteering courses) I visited and evaluated one the exisiting POC's in Ireland. Sean Cotter has done excellent work in producing maps of 4 parks in Cork City. Maps can be downloaded in pdf format with or without control sites marked on them from the Cork City Council website. The parks that have been mapped are Clashduv, Glen Amenity park, Marina and Murphy's farm.
I looked at Marina which was mapped in 2006 to see what we could learn from it. Our understanding of POC's has moved on since this map was made.
I visited all of the control sites.
What marking is used to indicate the control site?
In this case red and white paint with two letters and the number corresponding to the control marked on the map. The problem is that these weather and in many cases I found it hard to distinguish the letters and number.
What constitutes a good feature to use?

What constitutes a good feature to use?
The feature has to be permanent yet allow the user to identify a range of standard features used in orienteering.

Park bench

Who will maintain the control sites?
I spoke with the new Sports Development Officer with Cork City Council who stated that it was the responsibility of the Council worker in that park. I found 3 control sites missing.

A new bridge but the original marker is missing (or else I could not find it)

Another thing to look out for...are there any roads (no matter how small) to cross? This one beside the river Lee was crossed several times.